Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Lookit him now! That's Blasty at 6 months gestation! Weird, eh?

So yup, he's definitely a boy. I don't know how I feel about it. I don't think I feel much different than if he'd been a girl. I guess since I always thought Blasty was a boy, it was kind of boring to find out he was a boy. But now that I'm thinking of him as a person - which I couldn't do without knowing a gender...can't assign an imaginary personality without a gender - it's getting a little bit neat.

But am I excited? So am I excited yet? I must be excited now, right? How 'bout now? No? Are you excited now? *groan* I wish that incessant questioning would go away. But if I ask it to, it will get offended. It makes me feel like I have 2 heads or something.

So am I excited yet? Well... not exactly. And I've finally resigned myself to not being excited yet, and not sitting around waiting to be excited. I'm fucking freaked out. Why shouldn't I be? Who are these ninnies who are excited 24 hours a day while they're pregnant with their first baby? My guess is they're in for a bloody rude awakening. I, on the other hand, am expecting sleep deprived adult companionship deprived lonely confused hell. Well, not hell, purgatory. So any overwhelming feelings of love that develop for Blasty making all of that worthwhile will be supremely welcomed. But I can't imagine those feelings yet, and I'm tired of pretending I do to placate gushy women who are constantly asking me if I am excited and telling me how fucking excited I should be! Cripes!

Anyyyway.... I started his room on the weekend and I started a registry last night. So we're getting prepared! I'm a little nervous about gestational diabetes. I don't know why. Well I do - I'm thirsty a lot. I'll test my BG tonight and see if I'm about the same as I used to be.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Stuff for me and Blasty

A week ago I read that I should be able to feel Blasty moving by now, but I couldn't (I thought maybe once or twice, but could have been gas!) and everyone has been asking me for what seems like months if I can feel the baby move.

In the last 3 or 4 days, though, Blasty has been flipping right out. Blasty is doing Blastoflips.

At lunch I took off to the Eaton Centre and bought $235 worth of maternity clothes from H&M and Old Navy. I am sooo relieved. I now have 3 pairs of pants I can wear to work and 5 tops (one of which I shouldn't have bought cuz I can only wear it with jeans, but it was cool). Yay.

Now I need to start a list of stuff I need for Blasty. I haven't taken inventory of all Leanne's stuff, but I know that there are some things I definitely need. Might as well start now.

  1. cloth diapers (4 dozen in total - Len has 2 doz?)
  2. diaper covers (4-6)
  3. jolly jumper
  4. car seat?
  5. baby bjorn
  6. stroller
  7. diaper bag
  8. changing pads?
  9. onesies
  10. sleepers
  11. fitted crib sheets
  12. breast pump
  13. bottles
  14. nursing bra, pads
  15. intercom
  16. swing
  17. high chair?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Meet Blasty

On May 11, I diagnosed myself with a blastocyst.

Blasty has since developed far past the blastocyst stage, and is now a full blown fetus.
By some reliable accounts (and ultrasounds...), Blasty is over 10 inches long. We find that hard to believe, but I guess they crumple themselves up pretty good. Brings new meaning to the term fetal position. Well, actually not at all.

I am:

  • surpised that I didn't experience any morning sickness, which was pretty lucky. Everything usually makes me feel like crap.

  • not excercising enough or eating enough vegetables lately, although I am trying to get back on track.

  • kind of avoiding friend get togethers, since I find it kind of annoying sitting there watching them all drink. Miss wine terribly. I also hate talking about my pregnancy with most people. I only feel comfortable talking about it with a couple of friends.

  • exasperated that the baby room is still a heap of laundry. Plans to make it a nursery are sort of starting to take shape. It's just a matter of getting off my ass and making things happen. Not really my forté lately.

  • feaked out, defensive, feeling unattractive, and a little bit excited.

Blasty is due on Friday, January 13. But as everyone has advised me, "it won't actually happen that day, you know". Everyone knows everything about my pregnancy. Everyone is sooo awesome.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

There goes the neighbourhood

A year ago they laughed when I said they'd all move out to the east end someday....
And how cool is google maps satellite view?? Here's the beach and vicinity...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yer fired!

Found on http://www.pottersweb.net/class.htm
For Sale:I own a 3 cubic foot kiln Toronto,Canada. Willing to fire outside pieces on a case specific basis,reasonable rates. If you enjoy working at home on your ceramics yet cannot finda place to fire your work email me at
sincerety(at)excite.com Thanks Feb.8/05

Will have to keep that in mind, since I've got the pottery bug again! Lisa and I start a pottery class on march 31. Wheeee! I've always wondered where to fire my stuff though, and since I didn'thave access to a kiln, and don't really wanna join a studio and pay like $200 a month, I've refrained from doing any pottery. This could be the ticket.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Pimp Juice

Jeff came home from the bar and nightclub tradeshow in Vegas with a million cans of energy drinks, sexual enhancement vitamins and miniature bottles of tobasco sauce, but NO PIMP JUICE!! That's all I asked for was some damn Pimp Juice. Where my Pimp Juice at yo?!?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Things that go bump

I'm a bit drunk. On my second glass of red wine in like, 3 or 4 hours, so shouldn't be, but kind of am. I know I messed up my medication a little bit on vacation, but enough that I should be almost 2 weeks late? I've taken a test, and it was negative, but I'm not even seeing any signs of it. Weeeeird.